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Safety science

Journal Volume: 147
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2022
Articles in SafetyLit: 41

A day when (Almost) nothing happened

A decision support system for designing win-win interventions impacting occupational safety and operational performance in ageing workforce contexts

A generalized trajectories-based evaluation approach for pedestrian evacuation models

A new Human factors incident taxonomy for members of the public (HFIT-MP): an investigation of escalator incidents

A review and assessment of technologies for addressing the risk of falling from height on construction sites

A two-stage safety evaluation model for the red light running behaviour of pedestrians using the game theory

An informal institution comparative study of occupational safety knowledge sharing via French and English Tweets: languaculture, weak-strong ties and AI sentiment perspectives

Analyzing the impact of time pressure on drivers' safety by assessing gap-acceptance behavior at un-signalized intersections

Apprentices' health: between prevention and socialization

Bayesian inference methods to calibrate crowd dynamics models for safety applications

Client-led promotion of health and safety through the procurement process on public construction projects in developing countries

Designing national systems to support the analysis and prevention of occupational fatal injuries: evidence from Italy

Development and evaluation of a VR research tool to study wayfinding behaviour in a multi-story building

Does fatigue mediate the relation between physical isolation and safety behaviour among isolated oil and gas workers?

Factors that influence the effective use of safe work method statements for high-risk construction work in Australia - a literature review

Fire evacuation strategy analysis in long metro tunnels

How team safety stressors affect proactive and prosocial safety behaviors: felt safety responsibility and affective commitment as mediators

Identification of core risk factors and risk diffusion effect of urban underground engineering in China: a social network analysis

In-depth analysis on safety and security research based on system dynamics: a bibliometric mapping approach-based study

Influence of social networks and opportunities for social support on evacuation destination decision-making

Integrating geospatial wildfire models to delineate landscape management zones and inform decision-making in Mediterranean areas

Loss and damage assessment in critical infrastructures due to extreme events

Modeling boundedly rational route choice in crowd evacuation processes

Non-compliance behaviour of pedestrians and the associated conflicts at signalized intersections in India

Occupational health and safety in initial vocational training: reflection on the issues of prescription and integration in teaching and learning activities

Older sexual minority adults and driving under the influence, 2015-2019, USA

Pedestrian red-light violation at signalised intersection crosswalks: influence of social and non-social factors

Police location pages and groups on Facebook: does knowing where the police are influence perceptions of certainty and drug driving behaviour?

Reintroducing the sharp-end operator to organizational learning: how accident reports are used by maritime officers

Robot application and occupational injuries: are robots necessarily safer?

Safety and security implications of crisis-driven austerity HRM practices in commercial aviation: a structural equation modelling approach

Safety culture, safety climate, and safety performance in healthcare facilities: a systematic review

Safety effects of paved shoulder width on a four-lane divided rural highway in India: a matched case-control study

Temporal leadership, attentiveness, and safety behaviors: the moderating roles of abusive supervision and safety consciousness

The concept of plausibility in a risk analysis context: review and clarifications of defining ideas and interpretations

The impact of fleet-level and organization-level safety climates on safety behavior among Thai civilian pilots: the role of safety motivation

The influence of age on fatal work accidents and lost days in Chile between 2015 and 2019

Trajectory-based analysis on pedestrian turning movement on a stair landing

Understanding how managers balance the paradoxical nature of occupational safety through a practice-driven institutional lens

Urban road network vulnerability and resilience to large-scale attacks

What influences employees to follow security policies?